For the whole of Belgium, the law provides for a single Bar Association at the Court of Cassation, which is separate from the other bar associations. It therefore does not belong to the Orde van Vlaamse Balies (OVB), nor to the Ordre des barreaux francophones et germanophone (OBFG). Under the tab Tableau you will find the list of cassation lawyers and their coordinates.
The number of lawyers at the Court of Cassation is limited. They are specially trained in cassation technique and cassation proceedings. They are the only lawyers allowed to represent parties before the Court of Cassation in civil, commercial, social and disciplinary cases. In criminal cases (where lawyers holding a special certificate may also act in cassation) and tax cases, the involvement of a lawyer at the Court of cassation is not required. The special regulation concerning cassation intend to contribute to the smooth running of the Court of Cassation and to protect litigants from cassation proceedings that have no chance of success, in terms of content or form.
There are strict deadlines for lodging or responding to cassation appeals in civil, commercial, employment, and disciplinary matters, as well as in criminal and tax matters. It is therefore essential to consult a lawyer as soon as possible, without waiting for the cassation period to run. A case cannot be examined properly in a hurry.
Under the tab Cassation proceedings /FAQ you will find an answer to the most frequently asked questions regarding the procedure before the Court of Cassation and all possible aspects of the role of the lawyer at the Court of Cassation in this procedure.